
Tattooed Immersion

“You don’t think people have tattoos in Orthodox Judaism?’ my Rebbetzin asked me accusingly. That was her response when I [...]

Sephardi in an Ashkenazi World

   I remember it like yesterday, the door opening and seeing the warmest, friendliest, and most loving smile greet me. [...]

Where is the Love?

Shavuot, the holiday which celebrates Matan Torah, is a time to rekindle one’s relationship with the Torah and with Torah [...]

The Mikveh Mirror

Please tell me I am not the only one..... You know that moment you go to the mikveh for the [...]

Inviting the Shekhina In

In Parshat Terumah we read for the first time about the construction of the mishkan (Tabernacle). We are introduced to [...]

מקווה בטוח! זה בידיים שלנו

כולנו רוצות שהמקווה יהיה מקום בטוח.כ בימים אלו של השתוללות נגיף הקורונה, כולנו נלחמות על הבריאות והורדת התחלואה. גם [...]

Gal Gadot and Me

I don't like going to the Mikveh.  It's hard for me, but I go.  And when I go I feel [...]

My Corona Mikveh Adventure

This is my crazy mikveh story during the time of Corona… We were informed on a Saturday night that my [...]

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