Dr. Naomi Marmon Grumet

Founder and Director

Naomi has a PhD in Sociology. Her research is the catalyst upon which the Eden Center was founded and propels our vision and programming.

Lanie Goldberger

Executive Administrator

Lanie has experience in banking, finance, and executive administration. She enjoys the impact that The Eden Center has on many women while maintaining commitment to Halacha and Jewish continuity.

Alana Rahmani

English Program Coordinator

Alana has worked in Jewish education and engagement for almost a decade. She is a certified childbirth educator and has graduated from The Eden Center’s kallah teacher training course.

Aviva Strahl-King 

Hebrew Program Coordinator

Aviva has a BA in Business Management and International Relations from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She enjoys being involved in empowering women and creating a better future. 

Dr. Judith Fogel

Program Coordinator, Kallah Teacher Training Courses

Dr. Judith Fogel has a PhD in Human sexuality, is a certified Yoetzet Halakha and veteran kallah teacher.

Dr. Dan Jacobson

Hatan Teacher Training Course Coordinator

Dr. Dan Jacobson is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Jerusalem and Gush Etzion.

Jodi Wachpress

Coordinator of Intimacy and Halakha Courses

Jodi Wachspress is a sex therapist and runs a private practice in Modiin.

Esti Sacher

Hebrew Kallah Teacher Course Facilitator/Halakha 

Esti Sacher is certified in halakhic counseling and has opened a midrash for women in Sydney, Australia. She works as a bridal course instructor for The Eden Center. 

Hila Kedar 

Hebrew Mikveh Attendant Programs/Halakha 

Hila Kedar teaches the halakhic side of Mercaz Eden’s Hebrew online courses for kallah teachers and mikveh attendants. She is a Yoetzet Halacha through Nishmat, and as a Meshivat Halacha through Matan.

Course Facilitators 

Lizzie Rubin

Course Facilitator, Mikveh Attendant Training Program

Lizzie Rubin is an individual, couples and sex therapist with special training in abuse, postpartum depression, pre-weds and newlyweds.

Dr. Hagit Rodrigues Garcia

Mikveh Attendant Program Coordinator, Golan

Hagit Rodrigues Garcia has a Ph.D. in Social Work and is an intimacy and sexual health counselor.

Devorah Mittleman 

Devorah Mittlemen works at as a facilitator for balaniot and is currently facilitating the continuing education series for balaniot in Ashkelon. 

Sarah Bernstein 

Rebbetzin Sarah Bernstein is a Life Coach and Kallah Teacher, who focuses on supporting women’s sexual health. She lives in Israel and partners with The Eden Center on various projects and courses. 

Sapir Ben Dayan 

Sapir Ben Dayan is a social worker, therapist, healthy sexuality facilitator, and bride guide. She graduated from The Eden Center’s Balanit course and guides the third course in the field.