Current Board

Yardaena Osband 

Head Board Member 

Yardaena Osband is a pediatrician who recently made Aliya.  She runs a Daf Yomi podcast with Anne Gordon and spearheaded the International Halakha Scholars Program at Midreshet Lindenbaum. 

Deena Glickman 

Deena is an editor and consultant in private practice. Her services are used by many universities, non-profits, and publishing houses. A native of Toronto, Deena lives in Jerusalem with her husband and four children.

Ayala Levin-Kruss 

Ayala is a founding co-chair of Shira Hadasha’s Kehilla Tomechet, a founding member of a women’s prayer group (Shirat Sara), and has coordinated the Kol Isha Women’s Leadership Training and “Limmud” UK and Israel. She presently works in the Jewish Agency.

Rachelle Lavi

Rachelle Lavi is the deputy director of the rehabilitation department at ALYN Hospital.

Tali Bassali

Tal Bassali is the founder and executive director of the Zehud online school.  She has served for many years as a balanit and kallah teacher in Venice, Italy.

Adi Samson

Adi Samson is the director of the Aseh Lecha Rav (Make a Rabbi) program, for training community rabbis in Israel.

Bayla Samter

Bayla Samter is an Adult Nurse Practitioner and a certified yoga instructor. She is also a graduate of the Matan Bellows Eshkolot Fellowship program. Bayla has worked on several Eden Center projects over the past years.

Past Board Members

We thank the following past members for their support and dedication:

Leora Roth

Ayelet Libson

Idit Rubin

Joanna Shebson

Nicky Newfield

Abba Engelberg

Jordana Schoor