Whilst we do not charge a fee for these recordings, a donation to support The Eden Center's ongoing work would be greatly appreciated

Sexual Health Series

with Dr. Judith  Fogel, Dr. David Ribner, Lizzie Rubin, and Jodi Wachspress

Making Space for Intimacy

Men's Sexual Challenges & Their Interplay in Marriage

What's Your Position? The "Normal" in Sexuality, Sexual Positions & Ask the Experts

Kedusha in the Bedroom

Challenges in the First Year of Marriage

Challenges to Intimacy During Dating & Engagement

Sexpectations: Consent & Obligation Within Our Relationships

Intimacy While on Vacation: Context, Expectations & Opportunities

Corona Virus Programs

Dr. Judith Fogel, Rav Rafi Ostroff, Rav Gideon Weitzman, Prof Mitch Schwaber

Is Mikveh Safe?

Yom Iyun for Mikveh Attendants with The Ministry of Religious Affairs

Challenges During Corona

Breast Cancer Lectures

BRCA Awareness Lecture

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Event - in memory of Avigail Rock z"l

Hebrew Language Breast Cancer Awareness Month Event

Other Events and Programs

Gabrielle Hodes and Yonina Rubinstein

Sexuality During Wartime Challenges, Resources and Tools

Dr. Naomi Marmon Grumet and Reva Judas

Raising Communal Awareness of Infant and Pregnancy Loss

Dr. Sharon Galper Grossman and Yonina Rubinstein

What to Expect When Baby Is Here: A Guide to Intimacy After Birth

Gabrielle Hodes, Ayelet Reiss Nadel and Abby Weisz

Is Intimacy After Mikveh a Must?

Nechama Goldman Barash and Sally Berkovic

For Every Tahara There Is a Time - A Time of Life, a Time of Death...

Talli Rosenbaum and Dr. David Ribner

Intimacy Over the Course of Time (hebrew)

Yonina Rubinstein

Women's Mirrors in Mitzrayim and Our Intimate Relationships Today

Hindi Ginsburg, Dr Dassi Jacobson, Tsippy Goldstein

Anxiety & Mikveh

The Interaction Between Anxiety and Keeping Taharat HaMishpacha

Shira Donath, Tsippy Goldstein, Esther Taub

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Body Image & Mikveh

Susan Winograd & Dr. Sharon Grossman

Sexual, Medical and Halakhic Tips for Perimenopause

Chani Lifshitz, Shlicha at Chabad of Nepal

Growth Inspired by Challenges

Dr. Naomi Grumet and Dr. Jordana Hyman

Launch of Birkat Emunah - Sydney, Australia

Together with Australian Friends of Shaare Zedek and the Australian Jewish Fertility Network

הילה נעור, רבנית דבורה עבנון, אסתי סכר

What to take into account when teaching mixed couples prior to their wedding (one religious, one secular).

Hebrew recording

Bringing Our Voices Together

Bringing Our Voices Together- Mikveh & Spirituality

Mikveh as a Personal Rebirth – Finding Renewal in the Immersion Experience, Malka Chana Amichai

Spirituality and Godliness – Moving Beyond the Self, Rivkah Slonim

Finding What I Need in the Water – Powerful Moments Created through an Ancient Ritual, Ariele Mortkowitz

Taharah as a Partnership with God – Reflections on Mikveh and Elul, Keren Vardi

Bringing Our Voices Together- 7 Women, 7 Perspectives!

Mikveh as an Act of Emunah, Faith and Belief, Danielle Renov

Where Traditional and Modern Meet – Balanit as a Professional and Personal Role, Tal Bassali

Mikveh as a Transitional Space, Jodi Wachspress

Seven Days and Seven Weeks – Sefirot, Bedikot and the Day After, Shani Taragin

Making the Familiar New – How Teaching Non-Religious Brides Impacts My Mikveh Connection, Chana Even-chen

Proximity to Holiness Requires Utmost Caution – Understanding Tum’ah and Taharah, Nechama Barash

The Archetype of Water in the Tanakh, Yael Leibowitz


Hebrew Series

1- Corona, Relationships and Mikveh Panel Discussion

With Dr. Naomi Marmon Grumet, Hagit Rodreiguiz, Revital Vitelson; moderated by Idit Rubin

2 - Building Good Communication around Mikveh

With Dr. Tsipi Rhein and Chananel Ross

3 - Uncertain Times, External Threats and Mikveh Immersion

With Dr. Abira Reiser, Shlomit Naim Naor

4 - Transitions - Toward Menopause

With Dr. Anna Woloski-Wruble

5 - Sexual Abuse and Mikveh

With Tanya Oren-Chipman

6 - Listening to Pain

With Shulamit Sperber and Dr. Hagit Rodrigues