The Eden Center’s blog brings women’s voices to the fore discussing mikveh, women’s health, intimacy and more.
We love to raise awareness and present various voices on topics related to The Eden Center mission. Below are an array of blogs on mikveh, sexuality, marriage, women’s health, body image, parenting, and Taharat Hamishpacha.
This blog invites readers to submit their experience with mikveh and the laws of niddah in order to raise awareness to the range of feelings and experiences in the community. The Eden Center does not endorse positions stated in blogs, but allows authors’ voices to be heard on this platform. For blogs dealing with halakhic topics, we encourage each person to consult their own halakhic authority for clarification.
We value your feedback and submissions.
Above and Beyond – A Slightly Different View on Menopause
Many years ago I met a young woman who had grown up in a difficult home. With great embarrassment [...]
Advice for Parents to Share with Their Children Before Marriage
First and foremost, if one of your children is about to get married: Mazal Tov! While the thought of [...]
The Gates of Tevillah: A connection of a woman to the water
Tevillah. Some women will have their first encounter with this mitzvah as they’re getting married - when the couple, [...]
Embracing Your Body: Focusing on Nourishment Over Numbers
As the summer sun beckons, many feel pressured to achieve a "summer body." The pervasive message to fit a [...]
How to make your mikveh night better
It seems the world today encourages us to listen to our bodies and pay attention to what we feel. [...]
Keeping Your Kids Safe
Summer is upon us, and for many of us, this means that whatever structure we’ve built for ourselves is now [...]
What is Unique About a Geirut Immersion?
It felt as though I was witnessing a birth. That’s all I could think to say the first time [...]
A Meaningful Final Trip to the Mikveh
As I recover from my recent hysterectomy, I’m reflecting on how much meaning I found in my last trip [...]
Stories That You Don’t Tell at Shiva: The Time My Father Drove Me to the Mikveh
My father, Gene Moshe Schramm, died on June 28, 2023 (9 Tammuz) at the age of 93. He lived [...]
The Importance of Inclusive Communication in Our Relationships and Around Our Seder Tables
Six and a half years ago, my husband suffered a massive left-sided ischemic stroke. The stroke robbed him [...]
A Letter to My Baby
(Content warning: pregnancy loss) Dear baby, You’re seven centimetres, going on eight. You're active, moving around so much, [...]
How to Better Support Couples Facing Infertility During Pesach
Pesach: a crazy time of running around cleaning every room. Did I get all the chametz? What should I [...]