Support Eden’s groundbreaking work today.

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Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsor a Podcast

Spread Torah and strengthen women’s health through our podcasts about mikveh, medical issues, and to celebrate Rosh Chodesh.


Provide a Scholarship for Mikveh Attendant or Kallah Teacher Training

Provide professional development and sensitivity training for new and existing mikveh attendants and kallah teachers

Become a Member of The Eden Center

Sustain our work by taking membership, allowing us to continue to provide our quality programming to the community.


Enable a Community Education Webinar

Educate and empower women and couples in crucial stages of the lifecycle through our community education webinars.

  • Taharah In Living Color: Identifying Niddah
  • Intimacy and Halakha Series
  • Labor & Delivery Through the Halakhic Lens
  • Empower Parents: Talking to Children About Sexuality
  • BRCA awareness events
  • Menopause series
  • Suggest a topic you think is important


Dedicate the Reprinting of a Published Resource

Our booklets and posters enhance mikveh immersion or increase awareness to women’s health and wellbeing. Your donation will be recognized in print.

  • Toward Hope & Healing — A Guide to Breast Cancer & Mikveh
  • Birkat Emunah: An Infertility Resource with Thoughts & Tefillot
  • Breast health posters for Mikveh
  • Wedding Resource
  • Mikveh Tefillot Series
  • Hebrew 7 Kavanot for Spiritual & Physical Mikveh Preparation


The Eden Center provides tax deductible receipts under Israeli law (section 46). Other currencies receive tax receipts through our fiscal sponsors at the links above.

Change the Future of Mikveh

For you, your children, and your community

Your gift revolutionizes women’s Jewish communal life by providing health resources, training mikveh professionals and promoting sensitivity, inclusion, and intimacy education through broad based community education.