


The Eden Center’s blog brings women’s voices to the fore discussing mikveh, women’s health, intimacy and more.

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We love to raise awareness and present various voices on topics related to The Eden Center mission. Below are an array of blogs on mikveh, sexuality, marriage, women’s health, body image, parenting, and Taharat Hamishpacha.

This blog invites readers to submit their experience with mikveh and the laws of niddah in order to raise awareness to the range of feelings and experiences in the community. The Eden Center does not endorse positions stated in blogs, but allows authors’ voices to be heard on this platform. For blogs dealing with halakhic topics, we encourage each person to consult their own halakhic authority for clarification.

We value your feedback and submissions.

Red Cuticles Should be Red Flags

By |June 12th, 2017|

Even after 5 years of going to the mikveh, even though my husband would notice my bright red cuticles and say “this can’t be right”, though I my relearned the rules of mikveh preparation with an absolutely wonderful kallah teacher, I couldn’t shake my anxiety around the mikveh.

Write for us. Contribute your voice to our blog.

We love to hear varied voices and learn from your experiences regarding mikveh, taharat hamishpacha, marriage, intimacy and beyond.

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