Breast Cancer in the Jewish Community: Prevalence, Prevention, and Practicalities
We are thrilled to invite you to an informative evening discussing Breast Cancer in the Jewish Community: Prevalence, [...]
We are thrilled to invite you to an informative evening discussing Breast Cancer in the Jewish Community: Prevalence, [...]
. Please complete the registration form below to make a dedicate your Challah Bake to the memory [...]
This page includes A hysterectomy tevilla framework and A Prayer for the (Pre-) Final Immersion (below) A hysterectomy tevilla [...]
The following is an outline for creating your own prayer or ceremony as a framework to mark the end [...]
Raanana's Mikveh Alfasi, one of hundreds of mikvaot with a saferoom. Does your mikveh have a safe [...]
There was a recent post in the Facebook group Jewish Women Talk About Intimacy, where a new bride was preparing [...]
There is only one time the entire month I need to see my bald eyelids…and that is at the mikveh. [...]
. We are so happy you are interested in Naharei Eden What is the Naharei Eden Chabura: The Naharei [...]
You may also be interested in some of our other upcoming programs that can be viewed on our home [...]
Mikvah Tour- (73 questions style) Resources [...]
"I need to tovel (immerse) tonight, how do I make an appointment?" That was a very innocent question. "I'm here," [...]
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When my husband and I first learned about the Laws of Family Purity, or what I like to call, Ancient [...]
Enrich you Shavuot and participate in our Pre-Shavuot evening for your Body, Mind and Soul. Join Cheryl Mandel in [...]
As we approach חג השבועות, a time referred to as our 'marriage to Hashem', we must also ensure we [...]