
About Dr. Naomi Marmon Grumet

Dr. Naomi Marmon Grumet is the founder of The Eden Center, and director of the Training Program for Mikveh Attendants. She received her PhD in Sociology. She lives in Jerusalem with her husband and three children.

Take a Tour of the Mikvah

Rabbanit Nechama Goldman Barash and Dr. Judith Fogel answer 30 of the most common questions about mikvah immersion: [...]

Inviting the Shekhina In

In Parshat Terumah we read for the first time about the construction of the mishkan (Tabernacle). We are introduced to [...]

מקווה בטוח! זה בידיים שלנו

כולנו רוצות שהמקווה יהיה מקום בטוח.כ בימים אלו של השתוללות נגיף הקורונה, כולנו נלחמות על הבריאות והורדת התחלואה. גם [...]

Sexual, Medical and Halakhic Tips for PeriMenopause

Registration is required to attend. [su_button url="" background="#b7957e" size="6" center="yes"]Register Now[/su_button]   The Eden Center  is dependent on YOUR generosity. [...]

Intimacy in Halakha

This 2-part series is 100₪ (you can register for just one session and pay 50₪). Registration is required [...]

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