Hilkhot Taharat Hamishpacha

Sexual, Medical and Halakhic Tips for PeriMenopause

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So Far and Yet Still Close

By Chana Even-chen As we start to peek out of our houses more, and slowly emerge on Shabbat afternoons to [...]

The Traveling Husband

Photo: Orna Wachman For 16 years, my life has followed a rhythm.  Every other week, after havdala, my [...]

Keeping my Head Under the Water

  “You stuck, are you?” “Yes, I don’t like the water.” “Want to learn how to swim?” “I can’t.” “Betcha [...]

What am I Meant to Feel?

I had spent an hour preparing myself for my immersion, taking my time. Carefully removing every speck of nail polish, [...]

Talking Tevilla

This 3-session dialogue series includes textual analysis and personal discussion about experiences and emotions surrounding the mikveh for women [...]

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