Raanana’s Mikveh Alfasi, one of hundreds of mikvaot with a saferoom.

Does your mikveh have a safe room?

The Eden Center is committed to helping women stay safe whilst continuing to immerse in the mikveh during this difficult time.

Please CLICK HERE for a list of mikvaot that have a safe room.

With continued prayers for our soldiers, hostages, the wounded, their families and all of Am Yisrael.

This information has been collected from mikveh attendants and heads of religious councils throughout the country.  It is recommended to check, as needed, that your mikveh is open and what hours it operates.  Please contact us to update missing information in the table or to volunteer to help gather more information, or for any questions regarding tevilla during this time – please email The Eden Center at info@theedencenter.com or message / call / WhatsApp 058-555-8821