
I’m Not a Virgin

I didn't know how to phrase it. "I'm not a virgin" I muttered in the end.  I grew up in [...]

Stitching a Chatzitza

A few weeks ago, I posted to the Facebook group “God Save Us From Your Opinion: A Place For [...]

Your Mikveh, Your Time

Dear Woman, Your mikveh experience is your time. It can be a time where you connect with yourself, your spirituality [...]

Stand Up and Count

By: Karen Miller Jackson   As we approach Shavuot, we end the period of Sefirat HaOmer, the formal counting of [...]

Updating Your Carrier Screening

By: Estie Rose Sitting around my friends’ Shabbat tables and meeting new people, the conversation inevitably goes to “do you [...]

Wedding Night Worries

By: Dr. Elissa Helman Every woman looks forward to her wedding.  The dress, the hair, the makeup, the pictures, the [...]

Embodied Redemption

In the beginning of Sefer Shmot, we are witness to the steep decline of the Jewish people into slavery. One [...]

A Gentle Reminder

I am a fairly busy person. I am a busy woman and I can sometimes be a harried mother. I [...]

Not Your Typical Tovelet

"I need to tovel (immerse) tonight, how do I make an appointment?" That was a very innocent question. "I'm here," [...]

Mikveh After Loss

That lady at the mikveh…She caught my eye and I just stood there staring. The person staring back at me [...]

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