Balanit / mikveh lady /mikveh attendant

Mikveh Reflections

In doing my internship at The Eden Center, I was thrown into a universe I was not so familiar [...]

Let My Ladies Dip

Photo Credit: Heidi Levine Mikveh can be a time of renewal and restoration for a woman. It [...]

Hold Your Questions

"Why don't you dunk as many times as your sister" The question seemed innocent enough. I don't dunk in the [...]

Tattooed Immersion

“You don’t think people have tattoos in Orthodox Judaism?’ my Rebbetzin asked me accusingly. That was her response when I [...]

Three Cheers for the Balanit

Three Cheers for the Balanit “Can I get you a glass of water?” The stranger’s question touched me but I [...]

The Power of Tears

Something about those moments standing in the soft waters of the mikveh causes deep and sometimes buried feelings to surface.  [...]

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