Nechama Goldman Barash

About Nechama Goldman-Barash

Nechama Goldman-Barash has an MA in Talmud and teaches rabbinic text and contemporary halacha at Pardes and Matan. She is a Yoetzet Halacha, teaching and educating about Nidda and sexuality in Judaism-- often for The Eden Center. Nechama lives in Gush Etzion with her husband and 4 daughters.

The Importance of Saying Yes

There is an interesting discussion on 88a of tractate Pesachim in which the question of consent arises. Can a man [...]

To Touch the Darkness

The Eden Center is focusing its work this year on ‘Immersion in Inclusion’; educating and sensitizing mikveh attendants and the [...]

Mikveh in the Snow

As the sun shines down day after day it is hard to believe that there [...]

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