Ancient Wisdom for Healthy Relationships
When my husband and I first learned about the Laws of Family Purity, or what I like to call, Ancient [...]
When my husband and I first learned about the Laws of Family Purity, or what I like to call, Ancient [...]
כולנו רוצות שהמקווה יהיה מקום בטוח.כ בימים אלו של השתוללות נגיף הקורונה, כולנו נלחמות על הבריאות והורדת התחלואה. גם [...]
I first met Avigail when we were co-students in the Tanach department in Bar-Ilan University and later as co-teachers [...]
This 2-part series is 100₪ (you can register for just one session and pay 50₪). Registration is required [...]
This course offers Israel Ministry of Religious Affairs certification as well as a broad view [...]
Gives experienced attendants new tools to sensitively approach issues such as fertility, abuse, disability, mental health, [...]
Provides experienced teachers with more in-depth knowledge on sexuality, fertility, body image, abuse and more. [...]
This 4-part course explores relationships and intimacy within a halakhic context, discussing female sexuality, body [...]
This 3-session dialogue series includes textual analysis and personal discussion about experiences and emotions surrounding the mikveh for women [...]