Karen Miller Jackson

About Karen Miller Jackson

Karen Miller Jackson is a Jewish educator living in Ra'anana, Israel. She studies in The Morot Halakha program, teaches at Matan HaSharon, and is a board member of Kolech - Religious Women's Forum. Karen runs Kivun L'sherut, a guidance program for girls before sherut leumi/army service.

Stand Up and Count

By: Karen Miller Jackson   As we approach Shavuot, we end the period of Sefirat HaOmer, the formal counting of [...]

Finding Your Be’er (Well)

Why does the image of a be’er, a well, appear throughout the Yitzchak narrative? The interpretation and symbolism of the [...]

Where is the Love?

Shavuot, the holiday which celebrates Matan Torah, is a time to rekindle one’s relationship with the Torah and with Torah [...]

Jewish Women and Self-Care

International Women’s Day is a good day to consider the pressure many women feel to keep juggling all of these roles, sometimes at the cost of their own well-being.

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