Find a Kallah or Hatan Teacher

What are you Looking for in a Teacher?

Racquel Glickman

Country: United States

State: Ohio

City: Cleveland

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox, Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 7-10

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Short Description: It is a zchut to learn with Kallot! I try to make the sessions comfortable, informative, and continuous as I hope to be a future resource!

Ariela Greenberg

Country: United States

State: Maryland

City: Potomac

Language: English

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: Course content can be customized for anywhere between 5 and 12 sessions.

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Specialty: I can work with all brides. I would like to specialize in working with those who are considered baalei teshuva, older brides, entering subsequent marriages, and those who may have specific learning needs to accommodate.

Short Description: After two decades working in communications, psychology, and Jewish education, I believe a kallah deserves the tools for a happy, healthy, safe, and respectful marriage.

Elianna Gutman

Country: United States

State: Arizona

City: Phoenix

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox, Chabad

Number of Sessions: 6

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Tova Herrmann

Country: Israel

City: Bet Shemesh

Language: english, hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 6-8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions, my husband/wife is also does הדרכה and we teach in tandem


Institution Affliation: Each kalla is unique and I look forward to giving each kalla personal attention and direction.

Short Description: Each kalla is unique and I look forward to giving each kalla personal attention and direction.

Noam Herrmann

Country: Israel

City: Bet Shemesh

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 6

Type of Teacher: chattan one-on-one, my husband/wife is also does הדרכה and we teach in tandem


Short Description: To be determined

Ester Herschman

Country: United States

State: Florida

City: Boca Raton

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 6

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Short Description: I’m a modern Orthodox woman. Torah and Halacha are very important to me. I’m a Doula / birth educator . My approach is holistic ,I Believe in female empowerment

Rachel Himelstein

Country: Israel

City: Afula

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Institution Affliation: Eden and machon puah

Specialty: mostly religious but also not dati

Short Description: hoping to create a comfortable authentic and quality experience with an open atmosphere for all questions

Rochel Hirsch

Country: Israel

City: Bnei Brak

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Haredi

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8-10

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Institution Affliation: haredim

Alecia Hirsch

Country: Israel

City: Jerusalem

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 6-8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Specialty: I enjoy working with all types of people, I am a baal teshuva myself. I enjoy more of the spirituality in my teaching, a very positive outlook on this.

Short Description: I loved going to the mikvah and would love to share all the positivity there is about this instead of dreading it.

Gabrielle Hodes

Country: Israel

City: Bet Shemesh

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8-12, but flexible

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions, hatan and kallah as a couple for the whole hadracha


Specialty: I work with all types and build a personalised program for each kalla/couple

Sharon Isler

Country: Israel

City: Ra'anana

Religious Affiliation: Open Orthodox, Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 4-8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Specialty: non-religious couples, baalei tshuva

Short Description: I'm Brazilian, Baalat Tshuva, Spiritual and Feminist.

Kerin Jacobs

Country: Israel

City: Jerusalem

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox, Chabad

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 5

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Specialty: I grew up secular/conservative so am most comfortable working with non-religious couples, or those from non-orthodox backgrounds (conservative, reform, unaffiliated), I’m also happy to work with baalei teshuva.

Short Description: I have been working with couples for over ten years in my business The Raw Stone. I create meaningful and ethically-sourced engagement rings for them based on their relationship and conversations together. My kallah teaching is an extension of this concept - bringing two people together in a conscientious and joyful way at this juncture in their lives.

Carli Kadish

Country: United States

State: New York

City: Cedarhurst

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Institution Affliation: Shapell's Darche Noam / Midreshet Rachel V'Chaya

Specialty: I like to approach the hadracha of kallahs with a rational, text-based approach to learning halacha.

Short Description: I like to approach the hadracha of kallahs with a rational, text-based approach to learning halacha.

Datya Kahan

Country: United Kingdom

City: London, England

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 6-10

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Specialty: Non-religious, older singles, baalai Teshuva, spiritual, halachic based

Short Description: I am really passionate about teaching about Taharat Hamishpacha and marriage so couples may have a strong loving lasting marriage

Jonah Keyak

Country: Israel

City: Mitzpe Yericho

Language: english, hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox

Number of Sessions: 6-8

Type of Teacher: chattan one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions, my husband/wife is also does הדרכה and we teach in tandem, hatan and kallah as a couple for the whole hadracha


Institution Affliation: AISH and Yeshiva University, as well as Wurzweiler (MSW) and Gottman Marriage counseling

Specialty: Sexually abused or other abuse. Trauma or second guessing in relationships.

Short Description: Growing up in San Francisco in a very traditional yet politically liberal household, Yonah learned to straddle both the secular and religious spheres of society. He attended both religious and nonreligious schools in his upbringing. Because of his exposure to both secular and religious societies, Yonah is passionate about bridging the gaps between the two. He has completed his Rabbinical studies at RIETS where he also studied in Israel as well as being a Rabbinical intern at the Center For the Jewish Future. Additionally, he has finished his MSW at Wurzweiler School for Social Work where he interned at the Jewish Federation in their Synergy department which was dedicated to support Jewish communities with a focus on synagogue vitality. In his second year of Social Work school he served as a Social Worker for at risk youth at Columbia Secondary School (CSS) in Harlem where he created an educational curriculum with the goals of boosting the Teenagers' confidence as well as provided them tools to be successful at school.

Aleeza Kharilkar

Country: Israel

Language: english, hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Specialty: Happy to teach all religious styles and to make the classes dependent on the Kallah

Chaya Klugerman

Country: Israel

City: Harish

Language: English, Hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox, Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 6-8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, my husband/wife is also does הדרכה and we teach in tandem


Short Description: I’m passionate about women's health and halacha. I aim to provide my students with the tools to make informed decisions in their Niddah and Mikveh practice.

Dara Knapel

Country: Israel

City: Bet Shemesh

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8-10

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Short Description: I want to empower women to be excited about keeping this new mitzvah and help them to build healthy, happy marriages

Chaya Kram

Country: Israel

City: Efrat

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person

Number of Sessions: 8

Type of Teacher: hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Michal Lashansky

Country: Israel

City: Modi'in Makkabbim Re'ut

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Number of Sessions: 8

Type of Teacher: hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Institution Affliation: Michal is and has always been involved in Jewish education. She has a MA in Bible studies and has been working in various educational settings for 10 years.

Specialty: text-based

Short Description: Michal is and has always been involved in Jewish education. She has a MA in Bible studies and has been working in various educational settings for 10 years.

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