Find a Kallah or Hatan Teacher

What are you Looking for in a Teacher?

Cheryl Burnat

Country: Israel

City: Jerusalem

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: On average approx 6-8 classes.

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions, my husband/wife is also does הדרכה and we teach in tandem


Institution Affliation: I work with each individual kallah to determine a curriculum and number of classes that is right for them based on their wants and needs.

Specialty: I have taught a variety of types of people; non religious couples, converts, older singles, young kallot. I am a spiritual leaning person but also use a lot of text (again generally custom to the specific kallah/couple)

Short Description: I work at Midreshet Lindenbaum (Ohr Torah Stone), so am always happy to teach former students!!! I also volunteer and teach kallot through Giyur K'Halacha","Depends on the situation

Shalhevet Cahana

Country: United States

State: New York

City: New York

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox, Open Orthodox, Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 4-7

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions, hatan and kallah as a couple for the whole hadracha


Institution Affliation: Beth Jacob Congregation -- Community Scholar for Adult Education, Manhattan Day School - Mishna, Gemara and Halacha teacher

Specialty: religious couples, ba'alei teshuvah, non-orthodox and halachically observant (trad egal)

Short Description: Mazal tov!! Becoming a kallah is a gift and an opportunity. When we learn together, my goal is to teach about Mikvah, Niddah, intimacy, and communication with accuracy, care, and a wholesome heart.

Aryeh Canter

Country: Israel

City: Jerusalem

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox, Modern Orthodox, Chabad

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 5

Type of Teacher: chattan one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions, my husband/wife is also does הדרכה and we teach in tandem, hatan and kallah as a couple for the whole hadracha


Specialty: More spiritual, non-religious, neo-chasidic.

Short Description: The key to everything is a health relationship. Both with your future spouse and with G!d. I hope to provide the wisdom of our sages to inspire us to be better partners.

Alex Claire

Country: Israel

City: Jerusalem

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox, Open Orthodox, Modern Orthodox, Chabad, Haredi

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 6

Type of Teacher: chattan one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions, hatan and kallah as a couple for the whole hadracha


Specialty: Alex is very open, relaxed, knowledgeable and easy to talk to.

Short Description: Alex has experience teaching both religious, secular and Chareidi guys

Batyah Cohen

Country: Israel

City: Modi'in Makkabbim Re'ut

Language: English

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 6/7

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Institution Affliation: Matan

Specialty: I love teaching all kinds of Jews. I am personally Sefardia but am very comfortable teaching Ashkenaz.

Short Description: I aim to teach in a judgement free, safe environment where questions are welcomed and explored.

Deborah Dahan

Country: Canada

City: Vancouver

Language: english, french

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Ronith Dayan

Country: Argentina

City: Buenos Aires

Language: english, spanish

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox, Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 10

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Institution Affliation: I’ve been working in ncsy for 7 years now but the students there are under 18

Specialty: No

Short Description: I’d be open to teach a kallah by zoom if she doesn’t live in bs as

Ester Dickshtein

Country: Australia

City: Melbourne

Language: english, hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Chabad

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Jenny Disler

Country: South Africa

City: Johannesburg

Language: English

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Institution Affliation: JME (South African course)

Short Description: I’m a young Kalla teacher who’s passionate about education and women’s health and positive psychology.

Aviva Dworkin

Country: Israel

City: Jerusalem

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox, Haredi

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 7-10

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Institution Affliation: I have not taught any kallote yet. I am very passionate and enthusiastic.

Specialty: Charedi, text-based but still spiritual

Short Description: Matan- as a previous student from a few programs of theirs, Baer Miriam Seminary- as a teacher, World Mizrachi- as a graduate from a program of theirs

Penina Epstein

Country: Israel

City: Afula

Language: english, hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox, Haredi

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Specialty: Mental health complexities

Sophie Felberg

Country: Israel

City: Harish

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox, Haredi

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 6-8 or traditional brides 2-3

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Institution Affliation: Eden Centre

Specialty: non-religious , older singles, baali teshuva, more spiritual

Short Description: I teach my Kallot and students from a place of passion and openness. I like to bring practicality and marriage lessons into my sessions and I strongly feel one should be aware what is halacha, what is chumra and delve into spirit of the halachot. I also am very much there for you after the wedding day when the excitment calms and the questions arise.

Ruthie Finn

Country: Israel

City: Bet Shemesh

Religious Affiliation: Open Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8-10

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Specialty: Machon puah. Gush ezion.

Jess Fleisch

Country: Israel

City: Jerusalem

Religious Affiliation: Open Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 4-10

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Specialty: non-religious women who are interested in deepening their connection to their bodies, menstrual cycle, and sexuality through the Jewish lens and beyond.

Short Description: I am a holistic menstrual cycle educator, activist and coach. My work encourages women to return to their bodies for wisdom and power. Visit

Maya Friedman

Country: Israel

City: Bet Shemesh

Language: english, hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Specialty: Open to everything!

Rivka Friedman

Country: Israel

City: Maaleh Adumin

Language: English

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person

Number of Sessions: 8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Specialty: I especially connect with those who have gone through childhood trauma.

Short Description: I love to teach true Torah values, starting from the basis of what's written in the Torah and continuing with understanding the development of halacha until now!

Ariella Ganz

Country: Israel

City: Efrat

Religious Affiliation: Open Orthodox, Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 10-12

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Institution Affliation: Migdal Oz (Bogeret), MMY (faculty)

Specialty: Non- religious couples. More spiritual.

Short Description: I guide people in their embodiment. Facilitating and encouraging confidence in their connection as spiritual beings in physical bodies.

Naomi Hammer Garfinkel

Country: Israel

City: Modi'in Makkabbim Re'ut

Language: english, hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Open Orthodox, Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 4-5

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Specialty: non religious couple's, but also teach more open religious couple's

Short Description: Nurse gynecology and high risk pregnancy. Mummy to 3 beautiful children. Open minded and conversational Love helping others

Yael Genende

Country: Israel

City: Tel Aviv

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person

Number of Sessions: 4-7

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Institution Affliation: I work for an organisation called Aleph Beta - Torah content production company

Specialty: I work with all couples, including orthodox, non-religious couples, older singles, baali teshuva, text-based, more spiritual etc.

Short Description: I have been married for 7 years, I am a mom of 2 sweet girls, I am passionate about relatable and engaging Torah education and I specifically love teaching women!

Sima Gleicher

Country: Israel

City: Rehovot

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Haredi

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 7

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Institution Affliation: Close with the heads of a Seminary and yeshiva in israel

Specialty: Survivors of abuse ; religious young kallot ; more spiritual than textual

Short Description: Initial contact by watsapp or email only

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