
  • Thank you for purchasing a 10 pack of Hafrashat Challah Cards for delivery within Israel. The price of the cards, including postage is 45 shekels. Please complete your details below, including the mailing address for the cards to be sent, and submit payment.  Your order will be sent as soon as payment is received. Enjoy your Challah!!
  • Sale!

    Mikveh Attendant Training Course

    In The Eden Center Mikveh Attendant Training Course, attendants learn halakha as well as communication skills, how to identify and address crucial women's and crisis issues, how to direct those in need to comprehensive help and support, and how to provide the best possible mikveh experience.
  • Intimacy in Halakha

    This class gives a broad understanding of Rabbinic thought on sexuality and pleasure and its practical applications. Make a note of the order number you get after your payment and go back to to register (using the number) and receive the link for the class.
  • Keeping the Waters Fresh

    Recharge and refresh your niddah observance and mikveh experience!

    Halakhic review, Q&A, direction for bridging between ideal and real, tips for making mikveh more meaningful.

    2-part series

  • Tahara in Living Color

    Tahara In Living Color is a two-part series that teaches women to identify basic colors of menstrual stains. It empowers women to take an active role in assessing their halakhic status and allows women to lower stress regarding issues affecting their niddah status. After the completion of this two part course with real samples and practice, women are able to discern when it’s necessary or unnecessary to consult with an halakhic authority regarding their status 1st session - definitions & color 2nd session - stains & sizes

    Tahara in Living Color 2022

  • This  monthly Kallah Teacher Continuing Education series, will help guide Kallah teachers on various topics, with experts speakers guiding you through the multitude of different aspects relevant to being a Kallah Teacher.  
  • We will be offering a once a month mentorship program for kallah teachers on zoom, providing you with a monthly discussion to guide your kallah teachings.  Learn from each other as well as an experienced kallah teacher. Sessions will take place monthly.   The mentorship program will cost 50nis per session. Recordings of previous sessions are also available at 50nis per session.  
  • Thank you for purchasing a 10 pack of Hafrashat Challah Cards for delivery within Israel.  The cost for the cards including delivery is USD18 (65 shekel).  Please complete your details below, including the mailing address for the cards to be sent, and submit payment.  Your order will be sent as soon as payment is received. Enjoy your Challah!!
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