We are very excited to have women across the world, all either graduates of, or lecturers at The Eden Center’s Kallah Teacher Training Course, presenting on the topic of Mikveh and Taharat HaMishpacha.  We are truly grateful to all our presenters for their commitment to making a positive impact in their community.  Please find a location near you and register below to attend.


You may also be interested in some of our other upcoming programs that can be viewed on our home page

Shifra Rabinowitz

May 16th, Berlin

Gabrielle Hodes

May 18, Beit Shemesh

Nechama Goldman Barash

May 21, Online

Chana Schmell

May 29 & June 2, Efrat

Jenny Disler

Johannesburg, May 27th

Ariela Sharon

“Mikveh in the 9th Month”

Online, June 18

Elisheva Brauner

Jerusalem, June 2

Chaya Klugerman

Harish, June 4

Naomi Lujan

Online (Spanish), June 23

Avigayil Unterberg Nuriel

Jerusalem, July 10, 17, & 24

Shuli Hasten

Elazar (Hebrew)
July 21

Chana Even-Chen

Maale Adumim (Hebrew), TBA

Miri Eckstein

Melbourne, Date TBA

Raisel Friedman

London, Date TBA

Dara Knapel

Neve Shamir, Date TBA