Advanced Kallah Teacher Course

Advanced Kallah Teacher Course


This course will include halakhic pieces, discussion and examination of case studies, and presentation of topics including: sexuality, anxiety, body image, struggling with niddah and more.  This course is targeted to existing Kallah Teachers.  The course costs 1100₪ plus a 250₪ non-refundable registration fee.  There is a 150₪ discount for participants who completed The Eden Center’s Basic Kallah Course.




This course will include halakhic pieces, discussion and examination of case studies, and presentation of topics including: sexuality, anxiety, body image, struggling with niddah and more.  This course is targeted to existing Kallah Teachers.  The course costs 1100₪ plus a 250₪ non-refundable registration fee.  There is a 150₪ discount for participants who completed The Eden Center’s Basic Kallah Course.

Additional information

Tuition Payment

50₪, 250₪, 500₪, 1000₪, 2000₪, 2550₪

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