
PSA For Curly Girls

This is for all Curly Girls who go to the mikveh. I have Type 3 hair which means that [...]

A Mikveh Polar Plunge

Almost a year after I got married, I had plans to be at my in-laws for Thanksgiving. Being at their [...]

A Mikveh Adventure

We went to Puerto Rico for vacation. Got badly sunburned. I mean, really badly. Like sun poisoning. Both me [...]

Mikveh Reflections

In doing my internship at The Eden Center, I was thrown into a universe I was not so familiar [...]

Coming Home to Depression

My husband is a warm, funny, generous person. Together we discovered the most wonderful facets of couplehood, of moving [...]

Wanting and Not Touching

When I first saw the young man at an NCSY Shabbaton, my first thought was that “he’s so cute.” [...]


Trigger warning: this blog contains explicit and sensitive material about pregnancy loss. Should we get pregnant? It was a [...]

Like Newlyweds in the Bedroom

Disclaimer: This blog contains ideas and suggestions in the realm of sexuality that some people might find forward. They are [...]

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