
Flirt Away…

“You mean I still have to flirt,” Rachel asked me, as we discussed ways to spice up her sometimes stagnant [...]

Coming Home to Yourself

I recently had a funny experience at the supermarket that got me thinking.  There I was, standing in front of [...]

When a Kallah Calls to Cry

As a kallah teacher, before the wedding I make sure to discuss the wisdom and challenges of the dramatic ‘on-off’ [...]

“That Time of the Month”

“Up to 3 out of every 4 women experience PMS symptoms during their childbearing years. PMS occurs more often in [...]

Accepting All of Yourself

In the context of thinking about how mikveh can enhance our sexuality, we asked PT Tali Ginsburg if there is [...]

Good Sex for Life

Recently a reader wrote to us asking for insight into the changes in mikveh observance around peri-menopause. Her question addressed [...]

Are You a Bathroom Mapper?

Short quiz (and no, the results will not be shared with your friends on Facebook). 1) Are you a bathroom [...]


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