Find a Kallah or Hatan Teacher

What are you Looking for in a Teacher?

Aviva Wasser

Country: United States

State: New Jersey

City: East Brunswick

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox, Haredi

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8-10

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Institution Affliation: yes JME, Julie Laurie

Short Description: I love teaching Kallahs. Each kallah is an individual who opens a new world for me and often I do the same for them.

Shayna Weinberg

Country: United States

State: New York

City: Woodridge

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions, hatan and kallah as a couple for the whole hadracha


Specialty: Non- religious, survivors of abuse

Short Description: I love teaching kallot from all walks of life. . Halacha and communication go hand in hand. I love answering your questions!

Talia Weisberg

Country: United States

State: Massachusetts

City: Cambridge

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: Up to you!

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, my husband/wife is also does הדרכה and we teach in tandem


Institution Affliation: Yeshivat Maharat

Specialty: I take a more practical approach. I am thrilled to teach anyone of any background.

Short Description: My husband and I became chatan/kallah teachers because we believe that every Jew should be armed with the knowledge to make informed religious decisions!

Debbie Werther

Country: United States

State: Colorado

City: Denver

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 6-8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Specialty: Less text based more everything else

Short Description: I take questions seriously. If I don’t know the answer I’ll find it out. I highly encourage questions. Not to ask is not to fully learn.

Nava Wieder

Country: Israel

City: Tzur Hadassah

Language: hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 6

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, my husband/wife is also does הדרכה and we teach in tandem


Institution Affliation: Can teach in english as well

Short Description: I'm also a Yoetzet Halacha and volunteer as a balanit in Tzur Hadassa

Rivka Wildman

Country: Israel

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person

Number of Sessions: 8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Yosefa Wruble

Country: Israel

City: Efrat

Language: english, hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 7 and an additional one after the wedding

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Institution Affliation: Women who are committed to halakhah, no matter the age.

Specialty: Matan, Halacha consultant on behalf of Midreshet Neshamat

Short Description: I teach in a way that informs and empowers women in their observance of halakha and awareness of their bodies.

Ahava Zarembski

Country: Canada

State: Illinois

City: Vancouver

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 20

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions, my husband/wife is also does הדרכה and we teach in tandem


Institution Affliation: OUJLIC

Specialty: Very down to earth, practical, real, honest.

Short Description: I dated for 18 years before marrying my Zevug I bring very practical, reali life perspective which spiritual inspiration g

מיכל זוסמן

Country: Israel

City: Jerusalem

Language: hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Open Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: מעל 20

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Specialty: כלות עם קשיים נפשיים, עבר של פגיעה מינית, כל הזרמים מחרדיות עד חילוניות, זוגות דתילונים

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