Find a Kallah or Hatan Teacher

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Valeria Janzen Sametz

Country: Israel

City: Jerusalem

Language: english, spanish

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 6-8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Specialty: Non-religious, baalei teshuva, and women in the conversion process or after it - mixture of text based and spiritual (can adapt myself)

Short Description: I love helping Kallot and couples discover their infinite potential to build intimate, wholesome and healthy marriages through Jewish wisdom.

Tanya Saunders

Country: Israel

City: Ra'anana

Language: english, hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person

Number of Sessions: 1/2

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Institution Affliation: With aish tlv

Specialty: People who find it hard to get connected.

Short Description: My main aim is that people have a positive Jewish learning experience.

Rabbi Mordechai Saxon

Country: Israel

City: Bet Shemesh

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox, Modern Orthodox, Chabad, Haredi

Number of Sessions: 8

Type of Teacher: chattan one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions, my husband/wife is also does הדרכה and we teach in tandem, hatan and kallah as a couple for the whole hadracha


Specialty: Sincere

Short Description: I Believe your Torah/Avoda/Gimilus Chasodim is more important than which group you identify yourself with hashkafikly

Shalva Schneider

Country: Israel

City: Jerusalem

Religious Affiliation: Haredi

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Institution Affliation: Jewessence, director

Specialty: Women who grew up religious and are finding their own path.

Short Description: I am a clinical social worker and bring that relationship knowledge to my teaching.

Rachael Gelfman Schultz

Country: Israel

Language: english, hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Open Orthodox, Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 6

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions, hatan and kallah as a couple for the whole hadracha


Specialty: I work with a lot of conversion students, in addition to those who grew up religious (and still identify as such). I am happy to work with couples who do not identify as Orthodox. My style is generally text-based.

Short Description: I work with people online all over the world in addition to Israel (US, England, Switzerland, South Africa, and more), so happy to find a time to meet wherever you are located.

Rose Schwartz

Country: Israel

City: Jerusalem

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox, Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 6

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Specialty: Text based with spirituality, availability to individualize classes based on the Kallah and couples needs.

Short Description: The goal of my teaching is to give the Kallah both a thorough and practical basis and understanding of Taharat HaMishpacha. I wish to empower women to feel confident in their own practice of Hilchot Niddah.

Ariela Sharon

Country: Israel

City: Pardes Chana

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 10

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, my husband/wife is also does הדרכה and we teach in tandem


Institution Affliation: I am connected to Imeinu (I am a Jewish Birth Educator and Doula)

Specialty: Happy to work with all folks but I think I would be best for baali teshuva/ more spiritual/ less religious

Short Description: Excited for my husband and I to do this work in tandem. We will definitely be offering deals if we are able to teach both parties.

Emma Skversky

Country: United States

State: Massachusetts

City: Brighton

Language: English

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 6

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, my husband/wife is also does הדרכה and we teach in tandem


Shira Stein

Country: Israel

City: Kiryat Gat

Language: english, hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8-10

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Institution Affliation: Shaalvim for Women, very proud alumni

Chani Steiner

Country: Israel

City: Jerusalem

Language: english, hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Haredi

Method of Teaching: In Person

Number of Sessions: 12

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Specialty: text-based and spiritual

Short Description: Open-minded warm and sensitive

Chani Steiner

Country: Israel

City: Jerusalem

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox, Haredi

Method of Teaching: In Person

Number of Sessions: 12

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Institution Affliation: Affiliated with Nefesh Yehudi for Israeli college students interested in learning more about orthodox Judaism giving private lessons

Specialty: Anyone who wants to learn, am definitely spiritual, can be text based for those who are looking for that style of learning

Short Description: I try to give a well balanced positive understanding of the Jewish approach to ziguyit and taharat hamishpacha

Beruria Steinmetz-Silber

Country: Israel

City: Jerusalem

Language: hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 4-5

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions, hatan and kallah as a couple for the whole hadracha


Shoshana Stiefel

Country: United States

State: Georgia

City: Atlanta

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8 to 10 depends on situation

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Short Description: This mitzvah is what holds the jewish home together. I love giving over the beauty in this very precious mitzvah.

Binah Malka

Country: Israel

City: Bet Shemesh

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox, Haredi

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Institution Affliation: American Jewish University/ Neve Yerushalayim

Short Description: I am a social worker by trade. I decided to become a kallah teacher to help other JOCs who think they might benefit from having a JOC as their kallah teacher.

Sara Tanen

Country: Israel

City: Efrat

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 7

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Miriam Tannenbaum

Country: Israel

Language: english, hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox, Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Institution Affliation: I teach in Midreshet Tehillah mostly during the year with apart time gig in a Chabad Seminary. In the summer I teach in a BBYO setting. I'm starting OTS halacha scholars program in the fall too. (I'm all over the map:))

Specialty: In general, i teach/have taught in a lot of different circles. As I have recently started in this realm, i dont have a particular audience (just natural Seminary base) that i am set out to do. I did do a very general overview this summer with non observant teens which makes me think I'd be comforable ith that demographic as well.

Short Description: I deeply appreciate people and the dignity of each individual. Its important to me to build relationships with those I teach and to help them connect to and own their learning (whichever form). I'm inspired by and passionate about Torah and want to share that with others. I'm naturally not a "judgemental " personality and like to make people feel comfortable.

Aviva Thurgood

Country: South Africa

City: Capetown

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox, Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 3 or more/ flexible

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Institution Affliation: I am married to Rabbi Sam Thurgood and we are members at Beit Midrash Morasha.

Specialty: I'm able to teach both secular and religious women. I am a physiotherapist with an interest in women's health.

Short Description: As a women's health physiotherapist, pilates instructor, self defense instructor and Rebbetzin, I believe strongly in empowering women. I have had the privilege of teaching brides for over ten years and try to meet each bride where they`re at. I have taught some brides in one session and others over twelve. I believe that the relationship between a kallah and her teacher is unique and offer my brides, should they wish, my friendship and support in their journey navigating their married lives as well. I am a physiotherapist with an interest in hydrotherapy as well as a pilates instructor and Watsu practitioner. I love that my career and my passion for mikva flow together as I see my patients heal in a medium that is transformative both spiritually and physically. My background in Martial arts and self defense has also guided my drive to empower women physically and I believe in teaching my brides to be empowered with their spiritual right to mikva and knowledge in this sphere too.

Amalya Tolchin-Wiener

Country: Israel

City: Givat Shmuel

Language: English, Hebrew

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox, Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 6-8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions, my husband/wife is also does הדרכה and we teach in tandem


Specialty: Text-based but open to fitting my style to the kallah’s needs

Short Description: I have a passion for empowering kallot to feel confident in understanding the mitzvot related to Taharat Hamishpacha and married life.

Esther Oren Wachstock

Country: Israel

City: Bet Shemesh

Language: english

Religious Affiliation: Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 8

Type of Teacher: hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions


Institution Affliation: Tiferet and MMY

Short Description: I am passionate about helping my students find the level that works for them and to be a listening ear in a challenging time.

Valeria Wahnish

Country: Argentina

City: Ciudad de Buenos aires

Language: spanish

Religious Affiliation: Centrist Orthodox, Modern Orthodox

Method of Teaching: In Person, Online

Number of Sessions: 6-8

Type of Teacher: kallah one-on-one


Institution Affliation: Olami, Kiruv

Short Description: My name is Valeria, I live in Argentina where I have been married for 20 years and have 6 children. My husband is a Rav from a kirub community, of Moroccan origin, and I generally teach brides to go to the mikveh before the chupah, as well as brides who want to delve deeper into taarat hamishpacha. I also work with modern religious brides.

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