Social Media-

Excitement and appreciation of The Eden Center has led to its significant growth overseas.  Through social media, thousands of people are exposed weekly to the ideas, content and guidance of The Eden Center. Our presence on Facebook and our blogs have spread the educational vision and aspirations of Eden. We have followers on all continents and are working to enhance mikveh worldwide.  Like us on Facebook and Pinterest for amazing articles, blogs and ideas of enhancing your religious and sexual well being.

Eden LA-

The Los Angeles community understood the importance of Eden mikveh attendant trainings and has created Eden LA.  (Stats) mikveh attendants and Rebbetzins have been trained by Eden-trained facilitators, using the local resources of LA professionals, partnered with the wisdom and experience of Eden Jerusalem.

To learn more about Eden training in other communities, email

Web Conferences- Because Eden cannot be all over the world, we are creating dedicated web conferences to serve women worldwide.  Topics like menopause and the mikveh, and infertility and niddah challenges are classes that will be shared on dedicated web conferences.

Mikveh construction consultations– Dr. Naomi Grumet has visited many mikvaot and works with local committees worldwide to advise on how to make a mikveh experience more pleasant for the women coming to immerse.  To have Naomi work with you, email