Kallah Teachers* — boost your knowledge of intimacy in this special course.

We will be discussing various aspects of intimacy and sexuality, pleasure, desire, and halakhic boundaries, bringing together a variety of professionals to guide you and give you deeper knowledge of these crucial topics.

Discussion and case studies will follow each presentation to help you integrate material into your teaching.

Topics will include:

  • Unconsummated marriages
  • Halakhic positions on positions
  • Body image, desire, and intimacy (especially after mikveh)
  • Intimate communication
  • Sexuality for life

Dr. Judith Fogel, PhD Human Sexuality and Yoetzet Halacha, directs and teaches in the program.

Classes will take place in September for 5 weeks.
Dates: Sundays, September 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 from 7-9pm Israel time

Cost: 699nis ($199)

*Only certified kallah teachers can register for this course.

Please be in touch with Alana at Alana@theEdenCenter.com with any questions.


Take a look at our home page for upcoming programs that may be of interest and watch past programs at our recordings archive.


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