This page includes A hysterectomy tevilla framework and A Prayer for the (Pre-) Final Immersion (below)

A hysterectomy tevilla framework

A hysterectomy brings with it various feelings, both of loss and of transition. While the surgery might have been important medically -even life saving- it can be accompanied by a flux of emotions. Often we are not fully “ready” for the change into menopause which accompanies a hysterectomy. In addition, it marks the end of our regular mikvah immersion. 

Just as we mark and celebrate the transition into marriage with an immersion, so too we can use immersion to mark this transition into menopause and a new stage of life.

The following is an outline you can use as a framework for an immersion marking the transition into menopause. You may use it as is, or set your own personal intentions for each immersion. In either case, take some time to think before your immersion what feelings you want to connect to and set the intentions you wish to bring to each immersion at this special time.

Past – Reflection + Acknowledgement

Immerse with a focus on the journey your body has taken from the time you got your period until now. Reflect on and appreciate the incredible miracles of your body and your fertility journey – with all the ups and downs along the way. Celebrate the ebb and flow of time marked by your cycle, and the blessings you experienced as part of your personal interaction and relationship with the mikvah.

Immerse then you can say:

זֵכֶר רַב טוּבְךָ יַבִּיעוּ וְצִדְקָתְךָ יְרַנֵּנוּ

Present – Recognition + Thankfulness

This immersion is to recognize and give thanks for where you are right now. Accept your body and the feelings and emotions that have arisen. Immerse with a recognition of the transition that it represents, both the good and challenging aspects; with awareness not only of the closing of a chapter, but also the opening of a new one. Give thanks at having reached this stage and embrace the opportunities and challenges that it presents on an emotional, physical and spiritual level, while you say goodbye to the mikvah as a regular part of your life. 

Immerse then you can say:

זֶה הַיּוֹם עָשָׂה יְ-הוָה נָגִילָה וְנִשְׂמְחָה בוֹ 

Future – Hopes + Dreams

Immerse with an eye toward future growth. Open yourself up to the potential that the future holds, and allow yourself to look ahead and embrace your hopes and dreams in the next stage. Use the time in the mikvah to daven (pray) for yourself, your spouse and members of your family; your physical and emotional health, your relationship, and all that the future will bring. Feel the embrace of the water (which represents God’s presence/ the Shekhina) in this final immersion, while you hold both the uncertainty of transition and the freedom it brings.

Immerse then you can say:

יִהְיוּ לְרָצוֹן אִמְרֵי פִי וְהֶגְיוֹן לִבִּי לְפָנֶיךָ יְ-הוָה צוּרִי וְגֹאֲלִי.

 Before you emerge from the water, let go of anything you want to let go of that you have not already released, and use the time to invoke anything that you want to take forth with you from this ritual, as you bask in the warmth of the embracing waters.