What is it like to be going through fertility treatments?
Here is a description of a typical 2-months:
I get my period
Start injections
Get an ultrasound and bloodwork every two days
Raise the injection dosage
Bloodwork and ultrasound
Add another injection and some pills
Time to go to to the mikveh
Doctor’s instructions: don’t have sexual relations until eggs are retreived. (As if waiting for the mikveh day itself wasn‘t enough). Oh yeah, and at 3:00 a.m. exactly you need to have an injection. – Does the specific time matter? – Yes
Night before egg retrieval – fasting
Arrive at the clinic
Full anesthesia (the fun part)
Wake up
Doctor’s instructions: don’t have sexual relations until the beta HCG pregnancy test. — What, wait, a whole month with no relations? – Yes.
Vaginal pills that feel like cottage cheese in my underpants (Sorry )
Nerve-wracking waiting period until the results come back
Extremely painful stomach pains
Rushing to the emergency room
Infection in my uterus
Negative beta test
I want to start another round without waiting. No, you have to wait, your uterus is infected, a fetus is precious and you need optimal conditions for the treatments. We still can’t have relations (you know niddah and so on…). Wow – it’s already been a month and a half with no relations!
Waiting for the next period
And repeat — God forbid!!!