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Ballad of a Balanit

Riki Ogol

One of the roles of the mikveh attendant is to maintain a clean and welcoming environment for the woman immersing.

I feel a deep sense of purpose in creating a clean and respectful atmosphere, as if I am preparing and tidying the home in honor of the Sabbath Queen, because I truly feel a mission to honor you, my dear tovelet, like the Sabbath Queen herself.


A little humor, a lot of sincerity,written with a feathered quill without any barrier.

So, you’ve chosen a profession, a profession with a reputation.For as long as you can remember,you wanted to be a mikveh attendant.

The role of your life—it’s no mistake. To be the one with the mop and the rag.

A certified towel manager,your hands smell of chlorine,your fingers pick out hairsstraight from the sink.

Yes, dreams do come true—on summer and winter evenings,even when you have a million things to do,and even when your neck is stiff.

Because a role is a role,even if the responsibility means endless cleaning.There’s not much to do here in the evenings,a job is needed to break the monotony.

It’s a responsible role that demands skill:to wash the shower,wipe it down again with the rag,until another guest arrives.

Lift your head, straighten your back,escort the waiting woman. Perform your duties with holiness, to the best of your ability,act gently and respectfully, exactly as she wishes.

Every woman will enter the water in her own way. Ask quietly if she wants you to be there. Be a friend, not an enforcer of rules. Don’t ask unnecessary questions about how much or how often.

Holiness, dear ladies, is a personal matter.Each woman is responsible in her own way.Respect every woman—immersion is an emotional experience.Wipe the floor again to prevent slipping.

Take pride in having a roleyou’ve dreamed of for years. Even if someone complains or criticizes, remember to always stay on cloud nine.

If you grow tired by the end of the day,you can always recall the dream,because if your desire was to immerse in mitzvot, soon enough, you’ll start cleaning again.

Trainings at least once every few months—on what’s permitted, what’s possible, and what’s exceptional,on showing kindness, on changing the water—they make you feel like you’re practically a CEO.

So, you’ve arranged a dream for yourself,something you wanted so much. Now you can finally say: Hallelujah, I’m finally a mikveh attendant.

And on a more personal note, from the depths of my soul, I’ll share the truth and the secret with you: when I wait for you after nightfall, I want to be there for YOU, my queen, not for the honor.



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