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Naharei Eden Chabura

What is the Naharei Eden Chabura?

The Naharei Eden chabura program was founded in 2022 as an opportunity to bring together interesting and thoughtful women who wanted to learn together and learn from one another.  These women all have some textual background in Judaic sources from their past and are excited to use them in a new way.  Each member is asked to put together Judaic sources (and can add secular sources) to a topic of her choice.  The Eden Center supports women’s health, mikveh and growth throughout the lifespan and topics should fit this general theme.  

Meetings are once a month on Sundays 7-8:30 pm Israel time.  

Members are asked to attend sessions to actively contribute and participate in their co-members learning.  

Who would be a good fit?

We are looking for 15 women:

  • Between the ages of 45-59

  • Orthodox/Dati with a sense of kavod hatorah

  • Enjoy active participation and engagement with others

  • With background in learning primary Judaic sources independently

  • Believe that any topic can be seen through a lens of Torah

  • Are respectful of others’ opinions, especially when disagreeing

The parameters of participation include:

  • Participation. A calendar will be made at the beginning of the chabura for the whole year. We know that schedules change, but we ask that you do your best to attend sessions to learn from the others in the group and be an active part of the program.

  • Presenting one session, on a topic of your choice. Please make sure you find some way to link your topic to the work of the Eden Center (we can help you with this if needed!).

  • Chabura presentations are 90 minutes. Be yourself!! We encourage you to lead your session in your own style. Whether that means only Jewish sources, or a combination of secular and Jewish sources. Feel free to lead a discussion or provide thought questions. We encourage you to find your own style with the added goal of encouraging active participation from others.

  • While we believe that every topic can be seen through the lens of Torah, this chabura is not looking to break the bounds of Orthodoxy, rather to discuss topics — even those that are challenging and/or cutting edge – in a sensitive and respectful manner, with the frame of להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה.

  • Blogs about the chabura – and occasional pictures – may be published by the Eden Center on our website and/or posted to social media to interest others in the learning process.

For Returning Participants: Composing one blog post to be shared with the group and the Eden Center that is either

  1. A personal reflection or dvar Torah based on your own learning and chabura presentation,

  2. Reflection on the content /concepts raised in someone else’s learning and presentation, or

  3. Your experience participating in the program.

Click below to express interest in participating. You will be notified when course registration opens.


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Office address:

25 HaUman St [Floor 2]

Talpiot, Jerusalem

Mailing address:

2 Revadim Street

Jerusalem, Israel


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