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Chanukah –A Time for Miracles

Alecia Hirsch

Kislev is known as the month of miracles. It is our time as a nation to uncover, kindle and nurture holiness and godliness, and share them to every part of the world. To shine the ‘light of Hashem’ for all to see.

Kislev is also associated with the letter Samekh – which means to rejoice and be glad. In Kabbalah, the Samekh also represents the infinite power of God’s light. Its circular structure reminds us that we are always supported, like the rings that are formed around the lulav during sukkot, or the wedding ring that connects us strongly to another soul.

Kabbalah also states that our spiritual channel is open with opportunity to draw the light and power of every kind of miracle to our lives during this time. This is why we need to stay and watch the light. It gives us the chance to absorb the spirituality that flows from the physical candle. As spiritual beings we have the opportunity to feel the outpouring from the Chanukah lights  – so don’t be in a rush to light and run.

Many people say that women are far more spiritual than men. Therefore, it is easier for us to bring more ‘light’ into our homes and to Klal Yisrael as a whole, by simply being us. How can we as women bring on more miracles in this month of miracles? There are three main mitzvot we as women have:

  • Shabbat candles

  • ‘taking challah’

  • going to the mikveh.

Here are my suggestions for how we can use these mitzvot to increase spirituality in the world.

Let’s start with mitzvah number one, the one we all know about: lighting Shabbat candles. Lighting candles reminds us that we don’t need to wait for a specific holy day in the year. We get the opportunity to stand before Hashem, at our candles, each and every week to express our closeness. It’s no small feat to light Shabbat candles, they hold a lot of weight. This simple mitzvah shows our special spiritual connection and gives us a chance to daven for whatever we want. Imagine taking that same approach when we get to light candles for eight straight days during a month of miracles.

Taking challah: while making our own challah, women are given yet another opportunity to stand before Hashem –  close and personal – and connect. It is at this time of making the bracha (blessing) that we may also ask for refuah (healing) for anyone we wish to pray for, and for Klal Yisrael as a whole. Baking challah during Kislev will bring that bracha to a higher level.

Mikveh: we are the ones who are asked to connect to Hashem, ourselves and our partners on a regular basis through this special mitzvah. To stand tall in the waters of our ancestors, who like us, used the very same waters to connect in these ways. To be enveloped by the water particles that may have been the water at Sinai – or any other part of Jewish history. If our bracha at the mikveh is strong during the whole year, imagine how much more so it will be during a month that is known for miraculous things to happen. If you have the chance to go during Kislev, stand in the waters and focus on all you need. And if you don’t, pour that 

spiritual energy into your life by immersing yourself in acts of chessed, tefillah or bringing connection in other ways. May all your requests be granted.

Think about who we women are, and why we were created differently – the ‘light’ of the whole Jewish people runs through us and all we do. From Nissan (the Torah beginning of the year) Kislev is the ninth month, a month of rebirth, of miracles. Our whole lineage is literally passed through our loins through the miracle of childbirth; all the more reason to believe that during Kislev there will be miracles.

Take the time this year to really look at the miracle that the Chanukah lights before you represents;  after generations of our enemies trying to get rid of us, here we stand, able to light once again. In each lighting of the Chanukah candles, believe you’re adding to the miracles of Kislev. Each day take a moment to think of what miracles we are looking for as a nation, and what you may be looking for in your personal life.

May we be celebrating the end of the current turmoil before Kislev is over, and see a stronger Klal Yisrael emerge.

Fun facts of Kislev:

The mishkan was completed in Kislev, and Noach’s flood ended on the 27th of Kislev.

Alecia Hirsch grew up in St Louis, Missouri, in the USA, and moved to New Jersey, after getting married at 21, then to Jerusalem in 2021. She is currently the owner of, and writer for; but her primary job is her children and grandchildren.


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