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Ben Shmuel
Institutional affiliation:
Method of Teaching
In Person, Online
I come from a mixed background, half of my family are ultra-orthodox and the other half secular, I am versatile and can be with both populations. I think my specialty would have to be marrying someone less religious or from a different background than the Kallah since I am married to a Baal Teshuva and many of my friends in University have done the same or married someone with a completely different hashkafa.
Religious Affiliation
Centrist Orthodox , Open Orthodox , Modern Orthodox
Currently Teaching?:
I am teaching and would like to be listed
100 shekel for a 1.5 hr session, but I am flexible based on need
Did you learn hadracha somewhere else?
English, Hebrew
Number of sessions:
1 to 8
Type of Teacher:
kallah one-on-one, hatan/kallah and allow the partner to come to specific sessions, hatan and kallah as a couple for the whole hadracha
About Me
More about me
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