Eden Center
Oct 10, 2013
Bringing Our Voices Together – Mikveh & Spirituality
5 different voices give you tools to think about the spiritual aspects of Mikveh.

Eden Center
Oct 7, 2013
Intimacy and Relationships During Wartime
This event will help you learn how to navigate the impact of stress on our intimacy and relationships due to the ongoing situation in Israel

Eden Center
Sep 17, 2013
Keeping the Waters Fresh Series
This course provides tips and direction for recharging and refreshing your mikveh experience

Eden Center
Sep 14, 2013
Is Intimacy After Mikveh a Must?
An event discussing the question: is intimacy after mikveh a must.

Eden Center
Sep 9, 2013
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall Event
The Interaction between Body Image and Mikveh

Eden Center
Sep 4, 2013
Anxiety and Mikveh
This session will explore different aspect of anxiety as they relate to mikveh and keeping Taharat HaMishpacha.