Lisa Cohen
Oct 19, 2016
Dreading Mikveh-- Another Hurdle for a BRCA Carrier
My mother and my sister died from hereditary breast and ovarian cancer at very young ages. As a result, I underwent BRCA testing.

Yotvat Fireaizen Weil
Sep 24, 2016
Reflections on my First Tevilla on Erev Yom Kippur
A positive experience of immersing on erev Yom Kippur, with daughter.

Anonymous Author
Sep 19, 2016
Get and Mikveh: Closing the Circle of My Jewish Marriage
In Judaism there is a way out of marriage when one feels that his soul is dying a slow tormented death within the relationship.

Chaya Houpt
Sep 14, 2016
When the Kallah Teacher Doesn’t Want to Go to the Mikveh
Sometimes mikveh observance is not easy, even when you're the mikvah advisor or kallah teacher.

Rabbi Chaim Jachter
Jul 31, 2016
Unlocking the Meaning Behind the Laws of Mikveh Construction
The stringency of the construction and maintenance of the mikveh shows the special value of the mitzvah.

Eden Center
Jul 5, 2016
When Fear is an Obstacle to Overcome
A personal story of overcoming fear of water at the mikveh.