Alisha Klapholz
Feb 1, 2017
What to Expect. . . When You Go to Mikveh
A guide for going to the mikveh for the first time

Limor Kleinman
Jan 15, 2017
The Connection Between Passion in Marriage and Immersion in the Mikveh
Throughout our lives, from a very young age, certain experiences shape our intimate and physical relationships in profound ways.

Tamar Rund
Jan 2, 2017
I'm Allergic to the Mikveh
Chlorine allergy can seriously affect one's mikveh experience, but there are solutions.

Shulie Mishkin
Dec 23, 2016
Eyes on Ancient Mikvaot: Archaeology as Commentary
How archeology can enhance our connection to the mikveh

Eden Center
Nov 20, 2016
7 Ways to Get Husbands Involved in Mikveh Night
7 ways that a husband can participate in mikveh night to give his wife the feeling he is as excited and invested in the process as she is.

Nechama Goldman-Barash
Nov 7, 2016
Mikveh in the Snow
A story of dedication to immersing even in the snow.