Karen Wasserstein
Apr 23, 2019
The Waters of the Yam Suf
Connecting with Yam Suf at the Mikveh.

Naomi Pelled
Apr 1, 2019
What Does Losing Weight Mean to Me?
Losing weight and the mikveh

Micki Lavin-Pell
Mar 26, 2019
Tending to your Relationship
Different ways to take care of your relationship with your spouse

Leah Shakler
Mar 19, 2019
Between Dressing and Undressing
How dressing or undressing change our perception

Aviva Lahamay
Jan 29, 2019
Pregnancy and the Kedusha of Mikveh
When I got pregnant, in a strange and ironic way it felt like the kedusha was missing because I was no longer obligated to go to mikveh.

Shana Krauss
Jan 22, 2019
Regaining Control over Mikveh
How trust can positively impact a mikveh experience.