Shev Simon
Oct 1, 2019
Dear Mikveh Lady…
A letter to a balanit, asking to be treated kindly and respectfully.

Beth Lesch
Sep 2, 2019
Where is God in the Mikveh?
The Torah Sources that teach us about Gods presence in the mikveh.

Batya Jacobs
Aug 19, 2019
Keeping my Head Under the Water
A personal story of immersion with fear of water.

Rachel Cohen
Jul 15, 2019
The Final Immersion
A personal story of a final tevillah after a hysterectomy

Yonat Admoni
Jul 9, 2019
WOW! I'm the Mother of A Bride
It's really exciting to take your daughter to the mikveh - but also so much pressure!

Avigail Rock z”l
Jul 8, 2019
Making it to the Mikveh- With Breast Cancer
Immersion with breast cancer.