Ester Katz Silvers
May 31, 2020
Three Cheers for the Balanit
Why its important to be thankful and nice to balaniot.

Pesha Fisher
Apr 20, 2020
My Yom HaShoah Reminded Me What's Most Important
I’ve always been a little crazy about mikveh. I have never missed going to the mikveh on time, even when it is incredibly inconvenient. I...

Elana Abelow Kronenberg
Dec 20, 2019
Bringing Light, Love and Healing
The challenges and victories of being a daughter of a breast cancer survivor.

Anonymous Author
Dec 10, 2019
With the Cup, I Almost Look Forward to Having my Period
A positive experience of using a menstrual cup.

Noa Choritz
Nov 25, 2019
Mikveh After Mastectomy– Lessons Learned as a BRCA Gene Mutant
The importance of being sensitive to BRCA Gene Mutants at the mikveh.

Shev Simon
Oct 1, 2019
Dear Mikveh Lady…
A letter to a balanit, asking to be treated kindly and respectfully.