Rachel Hercman
Sep 1, 2016
Starting a New Route: Building Sexual Intimacy
The run-up to a wedding can seem like a marathon, but the real work begins after a couple is married.

Talli Rosenbaum
Aug 15, 2016
Fifteen Tu B’av Tips for Creating, Renewing and Maintaining Marital Passion
Ideas how to renew and maintain intimacy and passion in marriage.

Yonina Rubinstein
May 7, 2016
Book Review: “Where Did I Come From?”
A book review of a book about sex for children.

Frances Arking
Mar 4, 2016
The Importance of Being on the Same Page
The importance of the couple being on the same page in hilchot taharat hamishpacha.

Anonymous Author
Feb 6, 2016
Why, as a Religious Woman, I’m Not Frequenting the Mikveh Regularly
Why religious women go to the mikveh less often

Rivki Chudnoff
Oct 5, 2015
Tips for Kallah Teachers on How to Prevent a Bride from Experiencing Pain during Intimacy
Kallah teachers have the opportunity to greatly impact a couple ’s transition into married life. Recommend a pelvic PT if you see a problem.