Limor Kleinman
Jan 15, 2017
The Connection Between Passion in Marriage and Immersion in the Mikveh
Throughout our lives, from a very young age, certain experiences shape our intimate and physical relationships in profound ways.

Jodi Wachspress
Jan 15, 2017
“That Time of the Month”
Suggestions for how couples can navigate PMS symptoms in their relationship.

Tali Ginsburg
Jan 8, 2017
Accepting All of Yourself
Enhancing your body image and emotional wellbeing may also positively impact your sexuality.

Dr. David Ribner
Nov 23, 2016
Good Sex for Life
Tips for a successful sex life.

Dr. Dan Jacobson
Nov 1, 2016
Orthodox Jewish Marriage 2016: Why Every Groom Needs an Excellent Guide
An article about the importance of a good Hatan Teacher

Chaya Houpt
Sep 14, 2016
When the Kallah Teacher Doesn’t Want to Go to the Mikveh
Sometimes mikveh observance is not easy, even when you're the mikvah advisor or kallah teacher.