Wednesday night, October 23rd, Einat Kapach, a director and teacher at the Ma’aleh School of Television, Film and the Arts (, will be leading a public program that explores the portrayal of mikveh in a range of Israeli films. Kapach has chosen a group of films that tell stories about Jewish women’s lives, to be followed by a group discussion. By presenting the intimate topics oftaharat hamishpacha and mikveh on the screen, the creators of the films seek to raise questions and start discussions about the role of halacha in daily life, both mundane and extraordinary. The films will bring to the fore questions about the spiritual meaning of mikveh, the role of mikveh in the relationships between husbands and wives, and new movements for the renewal of mikveh use. Come join us as we consider these powerful narratives and reflect on some of our society’s most important issues.

To wet your appetite, check out this film clip portraying a couple’s relationship as the wife prepares to go to the mikveh